Mahasiswa Widyatama Memenangkan Kompetisi Jogja International MUN 2015


Good news from Widyatama International Study Center Division!! Our delegations for Jogjakarta International MUN ’15 Galih Wahyu Jananuraga (Business and Management ’12) has bet 2 awards in Arab League council as The Kingdom of Yemen, it is:
1. Best Position Paper
2. Outstanding Delegate
Congratulation to Galih for winning the award and thank you for all Widyatama delegates Adhitya Sofyan (Business and Management ’12) as delegate of Japan in United Nations of Human Rights Council, Andrian Gandhi (Business and Management ’15) as delegate of Somalia in Special Summit Global Climate Change council, and Nadhisa Dwi Ramadhani (English Department ’15) as Uni Arab Emirates in United Nations of Human Rights Council who has spent their time, energy, and mind to join JOINMUN ’15. Keep shows your fangs out WISC!!

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